
Pre-cooked or processed cereals

Número 06.7
Nome Pre-cooked or processed cereals
Categoria Principal Cereals and cereal products

Aditivos autorizados

Número E Nível Máximo (mg/l ou mg/kg como apropriado) Detalhes Restrições/exceções
quantum satisonly quick-cook rice
4 000The maximum level is applicable to the sum and the levels are expressed as the free acidonly quick-cook rice
10 000only prepackaged ready to eat rice and rice products intended for retail sale
200The additives may be added individually or in combination The maximum level is applicable to the sum and the levels are expressed as the free acidonly polenta
2 000The additives may be added individually or in combination The maximum level is applicable to the sum and the levels are expressed as the free acidonly semmelknödelteig
200The additives may be added individually or in combinationonly pre-cooked cereals