
Other foods for young children

Número 13.1.4
Nome Other foods for young children
Detalhes Note: For the manufacture of acidified milks, non-pathogenic L(+)-lactic acid producing cultures may be used
Categoria Principal Foods for infants and young children

Aditivos autorizados

Número E Nível Máximo (mg/l ou mg/kg como apropriado) Detalhes Restrições/exceções
120If more than one of the substances E 322, E 471, E 472c and E 473 are added to a foodstuff, the maximum level established for that foodstuff for each of those substances is lowered with that relative part as is present of the other substances together in that foodstuffonly in products containing hydrolysed proteins, peptides or amino acids
10 000If more than one of the substances E 322, E 471, E 472c and E 473 are added to a foodstuff, the maximum level established for that foodstuff for each of those substances is lowered with that relative part as is present of the other substances together in that foodstuff 
1 000The additives may be added individually or in combination The maximum level is expressed as P2O5 E 339 and E 340 are authorised individually or in combination and in conformity with the limits set in Directives 2006/141/EC, 2006/125/EC, 1999/21/EC 
2 000 
10 000E 410, E 412, E 414, E 415 and E 440 are authorised individually or in combination 
5 000E 410, E 412, E 414, E 415 and E 440 are authorised individually or in combination 
100E 304, E 306, E 307, E 308 and E 309 are authorised individually are in combination 
 The additives may be added individually or in combination The maximum level is expressed as P2O5 
4 000If more than one of the substances E 322, E 471, E 472c and E 473 are added to a foodstuff, the maximum level established for that foodstuff for each of those substances is lowered with that relative part as is present of the other substances together in that foodstuff 
7 500If more than one of the substances E 322, E 471, E 472c and E 473 are added to a foodstuff, the maximum level established for that foodstuff for each of those substances is lowered with that relative part as is present of the other substances together in that foodstuffonly when sold as powder
9 000If more than one of the substances E 322, E 471, E 472c and E 473 are added to a foodstuff, the maximum level established for that foodstuff for each of those substances is lowered with that relative part as is present of the other substances together in that foodstuffonly when sold as liquid where the products contain partially hydrolysed proteins, peptides or amino acids
quantum satis 
50 000 
quantum satisonly L(+)-form
quantum satisonly for pH adjustment