| quantum satis | | only prepacked unprocessed and peeled potatoes only |
| 800 | Maximum levels are expressed as SO2 relate to the total quantity, available from all sources, an SO2 content of not more than 10 mg/kg or 10 mg/l is not considered to be present | only horseradish pulp |
| quantum satis | | only refrigerated unprocessed fruit and vegetables ready for consumption and prepacked unprocessed and peeled potatoes |
| 50 | Maximum levels are expressed as SO2 relate to the total quantity, available from all sources, an SO2 content of not more than 10 mg/kg or 10 mg/l is not considered to be present | only peeled potatoes |
| 300 | Maximum levels are expressed as SO2 relate to the total quantity, available from all sources, an SO2 content of not more than 10 mg/kg or 10 mg/l is not considered to be present | only onion, garlic and shallot pulp |